Select Clients:

Hi~👋️ I’m a graphic designer based in
New York, with work specializing in branding & visual identity.

Currently working as a designer at Droga5(NY) and a member of FDSC(KR).

Open for any potential projects, collaborations, or random fun chats!! Send me over an e-mail!



Chase Sapphire


Guardian Life

Samsung Electronics

Zine Design / Personal Project
        Platform Editions Zine, 2021

Participated as a(n)
        Designer, Interviewer
Project Description:
        A zine that contains an interview I conducted with Platform Editions. Platform Editions is a graphic design studio based in Chicago, established in 2016 by Jacob Lindgren and Paul Zdon. The interview covers their story of how they started their own studio, their design process, recent projects they worked on, and their life of being a designer.
    The zine was double side risograph printed on a tabloid sized paper, one side with the interview texts, and the other side with images of their recent projects. The zine was displayed at SAIC as a part of risograph studies exhibition in 2021.